Friday, June 17, 2022

EOTO response: The Telephone

 After reading several EOTO posts, one that stood out to me was about the history of the telephone.  The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.  I did not know that Elisha Gray also claimed to invent the telephone that same year, but Bell received the patent because he submitted his application just a few hours earlier.  I was surprised to learn that the first model could only transmit a few words before needing new batteries.  

It took Bell 30 years to make a major improvement to his invention, when he started using a metal diaphragm to amplify sound waves.  This allowed voices to be transmitted over long distances.  Dialing methods advanced to a rotary dial in the early 1900s and then touch tone dialing in the 1950s.  In the late 20th century, digital technology allowed wireless transmission of voice and data signals.  The most recent innovation is the use of Voice over Internet Protocol, which converts your voice to a digital signal that travels over the internet.

The telephone has enabled families and friends to stay connected with one another, even across the world.  It also allowed businesses to communicate with both customers and suppliers quickly and efficiently, rather than relying on the US Postal Service to send and receive orders.  However, there have been some negative consequences to the technology.  One is the increase in telemarketing and robo calls, which can be disruptive and annoying.  Another is a rise in crimes like identity theft and fraud, which can especially target the elderly.  With the invention of the smartphone, traditional phone use is on the decline.  But no matter the method – traditional phone, smartphone, or computer, people will always want the ability to connect with each other.

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